Monday 20 June 2011

Is The United States Of America A Democracy?

Is The United States Of America A Democracy?

"... democracies have ever been spectacles
of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible
with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general
been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their
deaths." James Madison

Regardless of what you may have been taught, the
United States of America is not a democracy. Elements of a democracy
certainly may have been allowed to play a part in our government,
but our republican form of government was established by a written
constitution, to "secure the blessing of liberty" (Preamble,
United States Constitution), not to follow the will of the majority.
Our government was founded not as a democracy, for the establishment
of social securities, and entitlements for all, and anything else
the majority may wish for, but with liberty and justice for all.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form
of government. It can exist only until the voters discover they
can vote themselves largesse (defined as a liberal gift) out of
the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes
for the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury,
with the result that democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal
policy, always to be followed by a dictatorship." Alexander
Fraser Tyler

Our government was established so that all men,
being created equal could peruse their endeavors for life, liberty
and property, with a minimum of government imposition, necessary
only to maintain and protect our God given unalienable rights. The
elements of worldly government (democracy, socialism, imperialism,
etc.) are constantly being held in check and fought back from taking
over by the institutions set up by the Constitution. The Constitution
would have died years ago if this country were a democracy.

"Democracy literally means the rule of the
people, a concept which will not admit any limitation in the political
power. A Republic signifies an organization dealing with affairs
which concern the public, thus implying that there are also private
affairs, a sphere of social and personal life, with which government
is not and should not be concerned; it sets a limit to the political
power." Isabel Paterson

The United States of America was founded upon the
principles of: 1. A Republican form of government, the willful combining
of the individual right to use force to protect our life, liberty
and property, our unalienable rights. With a 2. Constitution wherein
we organize and support a limited government established to only
sustain and defend our unalienable rights through the enactment
and enforcement of laws, judged to be in the best interest and defense
of these rights. 3. The Ideology of Liberty: the God given unalienable
right of everyone to do, be, and have whatever they desire so long
as it does not infringe upon the unalienable rights of others.

"We are now forming a republican form of government.
Real liberty is not found in the extremes of democracy, but in moderate
governments. If we incline too much to democracy, we shall soon
turn into a monarchy (or some other form of dictatorship)."
Alexander Hamilton

"If in the opinion of the people, the distribution
or modification of the Constitutional power be in any particular
[manner] wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way in
which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by
usurpation, for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument
of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are
destroyed." George Washington, farewell address

Our form of government was not established as a
democracy. In fact, seldom if ever will one see reference to democracy
in the founding documents of our nation, at least in a positive
context. Peculiar, don't you think if we are suppose to live in
a democracy as many have been teaching? Consider that in the past,
we had Liberty coins, not Democracy coins. We have the Statue of
Liberty, not the Statue of Democracy. We pledge allegiance to the
flag, and to the Republic for which it stands, not the democracy
for which it stands. Patrick Henry said: "Give me Liberty or
give me death!", not "Give me democracy or give me death".

The ideology of Liberty suggests and implies that
people should choose to be benevolent and productive, as part of
God's moral code. That society will create for itself non-governmental
organizations to deal with social needs, that government is established
by society to sustain and defend the unalienable (God given) rights
of the individual, and limited only to this function. Political
power to remain with-in the individual and his society.

So you may ask, if we live in a Republic founded
upon the principles of Liberty and limited government, why do many
of our politicians and teachers keep trying to shove this concept
of democracy down our throats, as if freedom naturally followed?
That is a very good question! Perhaps politicians don't like the
limits on the powers that have been granted them by our state and
federal constitutions. Maybe because majority rule sounds legitimate
and moral on its face. Or maybe they have other self-serving motivations.
Whatever the case may be, only knowledge of our heritage will enable
us to anticipate such schemes and act accordingly to right the direction
of our Republic.

International ruling élites would like you
to believe that your country is a democracy so you will abandon
the ideals of the Constitution and join the world community's democratic
movement run by socialist ideals.

The teachings that the United States of America
is a democracy can be traced back to around the beginning of the
first world war. International ruling élites were finally
able to get high ranking government officials to begin teaching
the doctrine of democracy to lure us into participation and eventually
governance by international organizations. Had we been wise we would
have realized this and held out for the world to adopt our divinely
inspired constitutional principles of Liberty, rather than us adopt
their worldly, secular organizations.

What Is Democracy?

The father of the world wide democratic movement is Karl Marx. He
believed that the rise of the working class would create a social
democracy. Marxism (most governments today are rooted at least partially
in Marxism) suggests that people normally must be controlled to
have a benevolent society, based on humanism’s (God is Science)
moral code. Social structure and social securities are the business
of the government. Society is to be directed by powerful controlling
governmental mechanisms.

"It is generally conceded that even a monarchy
or a dictatorship is an oligarchy, or a government run by a small,
ruling minority. Such is also the case with a democracy, for this
form of government is traditionally controlled at the top by a small
ruling oligarchy. The people in a democracy are conditioned to believe
that they are indeed the decision-making power of government, but
in truth there is almost always a small circle at the top making
the decisions for the entirety." A. Ralph Epperson

"Democracy, n.: A government of the masses.
Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of direct
expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic...
negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of
the majority shall regulate, whether it is based upon deliberation
or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint
or regard to consequences. Result is demagogism, license, agitation,
discontent, anarchy." U. S. Army Training Manual No. 2000-25
(1928-1932), since withdrawn.

Democracy is actually a form of socialism. An individual
finds that his rights are not necessarily in the interests of the
majority groups and are often overlooked for their "higher"
interests. Democratic organizations become most abusive as their
leaders in their efforts to gain and maintain political power resort
to crowd pleasing by offering huge social programs (programs to
rob from the minority-mostly-productive and give to the majority-mostly-unproductive).
Plunder, license, and regulation become "moral" and legal
through democracy. An individual finds nearly every aspect of his
life controlled by some legalized code or regulation. Democracy
becomes a contest to see how evenly the plunderous social programs
can be distributed. Finally democracy turns into a bureaucracy for
providing social programs, and for regulating most of society. Basically
democracy becomes socialism or even moves towards the extremes of
communism (socialism maintained by force).

"In all cases where a majority are united
by a common interest or passion, the rights of the minority are
in danger!" James Madison [fourth U.S. President]

"Unbridled passions produce the same effects,
whether in a king, nobility, or a mob. The experience of all mankind
has proved the prevalence of a disposition to use power wantonly.
It is therefore as necessary to defend an individual against the
majority (in a democracy) as against the king in a monarchy."
John Adams [second U.S. President]

One of the greatest threats to our Republic, the
Constitution and the laws of Liberty are demagogues such as activists,
special interest groups and political organizations that wish to
win public support through democracy and its institutions. Get popular
opinion behind you and you can do anything, including circumvent
and over-throw a republican form of government. Will Liberty die
because of people deciding to be ruled by the principles of democracy?
Only if "we the people" allow it.



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