Friday, 27 May 2011

Flood Relief Efforts by Quran Reading Group Islamic Articles



It is the time of great grief and agony that we are embracing on time which has struck again causing to be a national disaster/tragedy. Here we are helpless and speechless, but that was the case when the flood victims of our mother land, our brothers and sisters faced such a calamity against nature and a simple intention aroused those who really felt it and got ready to help.


Time of Grief & Agony:

It is the time of distress and we as a nation should be willing to combine are very single handed efforts to make a contribution as say something is better than nothing. The honor goes to the team of QURAN READING, that the entire idea of helping the sufferers was arranged and executed in an extra ordinary professional manner.


As we all know that it’s the Blessed Month of Ramadan in which we seek nothing else, but Mercy, Blessings & Forgiveness and this is the very month in which there are millions of people awaiting our attention.

Manly Efforts In Time For Helpless:

The following are some very precise details for your consideration, and to applause the team to make this event of grief & sorrow, a bit helpful to those who are in desperate needs, for sure their efforts are respected.


August 15, 2010 was the date on which the crew of these eight members started their epic quest to help the flood victims with a one day journey in the following affected areas: Noshera, Dhobi Ghatt, Akhora Khattak, Peer Sabaq, Noshera Kallan.


The Team Of Quran Reading:

The team of QURAN READING was able to collect the following funds it also includes the Expenses we made:

flood relief


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