Friday, 27 May 2011

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Qa'da-tul-Oala and Qa'datul-Akhira

What does the term Qa'da-tul-Oala mean?

The reverential sitting posture that one adopts after the completion of the two Rak'ats of a prayer, consisting of three or four, for reciting tashahhud is called Qa'datul-Oola

What is Qa'datul-Akhira?

The final reverential sitting posture which a worshipper assumes after the completion of the prescribed number of Rak'ats of any particular prayer, for the recitation of tashahhud, salawat and du'a is called Qa'datul Akhira.

Kinds of Prayers:

There are five kinds of Prayers:

  1. Fard al'-ain, i.e., the compulsory prayer that must not be missed on any account whatsoever. This obligatory prayer must be offered at any cost for if one fails to do so he or she will be liable to severe punishment. The nature of its importance is evident from the fact that if one denies its obligatory nature, he or she is classed as an unbeliever.

  3. Fard al-kifayah is the kind of prayer which should preferably be offered by all those present at the time, but one at least out of the group must offer it to free the others from responsibility; for example, if any one individual from amongst the inhabitants of a locality where Death of a Muslim has taken place or from those who join the funeral procession to the cemetery offer the 'Funeral Prayer', the obligation of all concerned is fulfilled.
  4. Wajib is a prayer which comes next in rank of Fard al'ain in accordance with the importance attached to if by the Holy Prophet.
  5. Sunnat-ul-mu'akkadah is the class of prayer which the Holy Prophet used to offer daily without fail and has ordered his followers to do so. One is liable to be questioned for neglecting to offer the same without some very cogent reasons.
  6. Sunnatu ghairil-mu'akkadah is the kind of prayer which the Prophet offered occasionally and desired his followers to do so.
  7. Nafl is a voluntary prayer and it is commended for the uplift of one's soul, and for the acquirement of spiritual benefits.

 Kinds of Fard prayers

  1. The daily obligatory Prayers.

  2. The special congregational Prayers on Fridays.




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